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Smart sparts sp1 or the sp8?

페이지 정보

이름 : Charla 이름으로 검색

댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 2025-01-15 04:51
Relative-expression-of-transcription-factor-encoding-genes-in-35STM8-plants-Relative.pngThe SP-1 Is the better marker. The SP1 does not have a double trigger or look as Milsim, but It will perform as accurately and speedily, if not better than the SP8. With cost in mind also, there is a several hundred dollar gap between these two. For still less than the SP8 you can buy a SP-1 Blackheart, which won the 2009 TechPB best woodsball gun award. For the money you could also buy many accessories to make the SP1 either more milsim or https://sp8.dance perform better.

The SP8 is just an ION with a XM8 body kit. The ion series have many faults and can be very temperamental with slight problems. Also it a fairly heavy and bulky gun.


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